Mr. Howell and His Biscuit
Mr. Howell and His Biscuit
While the legislature is in session and bills are busy becoming laws, Broad Street is often called upon toĀ bring brain foodĀ to keepĀ the Senate and HouseĀ focused on makingĀ a betterĀ Mississippi.Ā That means weĀ might cater breakfasts and lunches for anywhere between 100-300 politicians and their staff.Ā Ā This session, Broad Street was called upon to make 300 biscuit sandwiches for the Capitol.Ā When I opened the backdoor at 5:45am, the usually still and darkĀ kitchen was already humming with an army of cooks wrapping and boxing stacks of steaming buttermilk biscuits.Ā IĀ was just in time to see the lastĀ batch head to the van but too late to capture a picture ofĀ theĀ sheer volume that we can deliver before weĀ evenĀ open the front doors to our customers.Ā But then, I realized that maybe the volume isn't the whole story.
Perhaps the story is about Mr. JoelĀ Howell.Ā Our friend and regular customer for 8 years, nearly every day of the week Mr.Ā Howell comes to Broad Street to order a biscuit sandwich.Ā He trusts us to help him start his day, and we are honored.Ā Whether we make one or one hundred biscuits, weĀ takeĀ care to rememberĀ the individuals we allow us to serve them.
Thank you Mr. Howell!